If an item is returned late, you will be compensated according to the amount of time it is returned late. The time will be added to the existing rental and not considered a brand new rental.
So if a borrower has already paid for a full week, yet only rented the item for 5 days. If they return it late by an extra day, it would count as the 6th day rented and if they already paid a full week (7 days in total), they would not incur any additional charge.
However, if they have rented it for one day and return it late by 8 hours, this would count as an additional day charge, so 1 day and 8 hours or charged as two full days. I
f the rental is late by 5 minutes, we would not count this as late but you could note this in your review if you feel it is needed.
If the rental is late by two hours (and not agreed upon or approved at the beginning of the rental), we would prorate late fee and use 6 hours as a one day full rental. So 2/6 = 1/3rd. We would charge a late fee of 33% of a days rate and you would be compensated accordingly.